Tuesday, September 28, 2010

San Mateo Senior Health Fair (9/25/10, 10-2pm)

Hsin reporting from San Mateo Senior Center Health Fair (Sat, 9/25/10, 10-2pm)
  • Lots of people (us and visitors); Carolyn Robinson, one of the OPERATION DIABETES coordinators, counseling a female patient on the importance of screening for DIABETES while Dr. Kirby Lee went over critical DIABETES information with a patient behind them.
  • People NOT afraid to give blood in return for some helpful health status. The hand holding the glucometer, I believe, is Jenny Dinh's, one of the other OPERATION DIABETES coordinators, pictured below.
  • Kenny Nguyen, one of the OPERATION HEART coordinators, with his gloved hands jotted down blood pressure reading. NOT SHOWN: he gave an excellent patient education on how to keep a robust and well-oiled cardiovascular system.
  • "I'm telling you, SIR, watching TV is NOT considered an exercise!!!" Kidding aside, William Hung, one of the OPERATION HEART coordinator explained THOROUGHLY to the resident how to best care for his only heart.
  • OPERATION IMMUNIZATION coordinators, Brittany Norton (facing camera) and Alda Karic focused intently on what the lady in red had to say.
  • GERIATRICS AWARENESS PROJECT coordinators, Janelle Christman and Wen Chiu insisted on giving TWO Vials of Life to the friendly lady.
  •  Our enthusiastic OTC/Herbal Project coordinators proudly showcased their baby poster!
  • Never too late to learn about women's health from the Women's Health Organization coordinators, Eyoel Tsegay (middle) and Zachary Hearns (left).
  • Did we get EVERYONE?
  • Interested in us? Visit our website!

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