Monday, November 1, 2010

APhA-ASP Midyear Regional Meeting, Region 8, 10/29-31 Phoenix AZ

One picture is worth a thousand words.

Here are PAGES worth of pictures shared by our president-elect, Soniya, who was one of the UCSF representatives attending the Midyear Regional Meeting for our region, Region 8.

Angelina Chan, our Student Political Advocacy Network (SPAN) liaison in hot pink next to thecactus led the group into passing 3 of the 5 policy proposals! Thank you, SPAN Lady!

So what is MRM? (click to find out, or read on)
It's a huge Academy of Student Pharmacist meeting. Student pharmacists from our region gather to discuss issues in the world of pharmacy.

When is MRM?
Fall of every year.

What do I do there?
  • Network with students, pharmacists and faculties in our region
  • Attend educational seminars
  • Friday night social event (study on any other night, but NOT this night)
  • Policy-making
  • Talk to the residency program directors

Region 8 Schools (TOTAL = 15)

1. Midwestern University - Glendale
2. University of Arizona

1. California Northstate College of Pharmacy
2. Loma Linda University
3. Touro University
4. University of California, San Diego
5. University of California, San Francisco
6. University of Southern California
7. University of the Pacific
8. Western University

1. Regis University
2. University of Colorado

1. University of Hawaii at Hilo

1. University of Southern Nevada

1. University of New Mexico

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